- BEST 5: Concert; Total Eclipse; Jesus, Friend of Sinners
- Single Mom Saturday: $2-Thousand Tuesday(Reached $2300)
- Happy 15th Birthday, Chole!
- Thanks So Much for Generous Gifts from $25-$1,000 for Single Mom Sat.!
- Single Mom Testimony: Andrea
On the road for their second game of the young 2024 season, the Macks (2-0 0-0 Western Cloverbelt Conference) fell behind by an early run to the Beavers (1-2, 0-0 Dairyland Conference), who held McDonell scoreless through the first two innings.
The floodgates opened in the top of third, however, as the Macks' bats came alive, plating six runs to take a commanding lead. After a 1-2-3 bottom of the third from sophomore pitcher Karson Galvez, McDonell sent an incredible 15 batters to the plate in their half of the 4th, scoring another 12 runs to put the contest truly out of reach.
Junior David Anderson and sophomore Cael Holm also saw action on the mound in the 4th and 5th, holding Augusta scoreless and keeping the Macks unbeaten.