WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

Monday, July 18, 2016

7-18-16 Crabb Conversation: "Shattered Dreams," Ch.'s 20 and 21


7-18-16 Crabb Conversation: "Shattered Dreams," Ch.'s 20 and 21

Dr. Jason Kanz and retired Christian counselor, Rob Gillette, join Mark in wrapping up their conversations on Dr. Larry Crabb's book, "Shattered Dreams: God's Unexpected Path to Joy," by talking about the final two chapters, Ch. 20, "There's a New Way to Live--and it's Possible" and Ch. 21, "The Journey to Joy." Jason begins the hour by providing a quick synopsis of Larry's newest book, "A Different Kind of Happiness: Discovering the Joy that  Comes from Sacrificial Love."
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