WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

Saturday, July 1, 2023

7/2/23 CVTW: 20th Annual, "Hike for the Homeless," 8/15/23 in Altoona

                                                                 Chippewa Valley This Week


Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley Executive Director, Scott Wuerch, and Family Promise Board VP & Treasurer, David Norgaard, discuss the problem of homelessness in the Chippewa Valley and the great work being done by their organization to provide homeless families shelter, transitional housing, rapid rehousing and case management on their way to permanent housing as quickly as possible. They encourage as many people as possible to join them for the 20th annual, "Hike for the Homeless" fundraiser August 15th from 5-8pm at the River Prairie Center in Altoona.