WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

WWIB/WOGO Podcasts

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

8-31-16 Halvo's Last Show

Mark Halvorsen in the village of Kpeletayama in Liberia, West Africa

8-31-16 Halvo's Last Show

As his family gets set to travel to Liberia, West Africa for nine months beginning this Saturday, Mark Halvorsen hosts his final "Home Page," talking a politics, talk radio and more with Brian Westrate, 3rd District GOP Chair, and sharing listener feedback.

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8-31-16 Dr. Drew's Q&A of Halvo

Mark Halvorsen in the village of Kpeletayama in Liberia, West Africa

8-31-16 Dr. Drew's Q&A of Halvo

On Mark Halvorsen's last day hosting "Front Page," Dr. Drew Kaminski of Back on Track Family Chiropractic turns the tables on him and asks him questions regarding what makes him tick and what's made him such an effective radio broadcaster and host over the years.
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8-31-16 Halvo's Last FP--Dr. Drew's Q&A, Matt "Gordy's Guru" Selvig, State Sen. Terry Moulton

Mark Halvorsen in the village of Kpeletayama in Liberia, West Africa

8-31-16 Halvo's Last FP--Dr. Drew's Q&A, Matt "Gordy's Guru" Selvig, State Sen. Terry Moulton

More than 24 years of producing and hosting FP came to an end in a memorable way for Halvo--Dr. Drew Kaminski of Back on Track Family Chiropractic turned the tables on Mark asking him questions; Matt Selvig, Mark's former co-host on "M&M's in the Morning" and State Sen. Terry Moulton joined Halvo in studio; Listeners offered their regards as Mark and his family leave this Saturday for nine months in Liberia.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

8-30-16 The Halvorsen Family on Leaving for Liberia; James Hirsen; "Dramatic Affect"

The Halvorsen family(clockwise from back left--Evelyn, Grace, Dawson, Peggy, Alaina, and Mark

8-30-16 The Halvorsen Family on Leaving for Liberia; James Hirsen; "Dramatic Affect"

"Front Page" host, Mark Halvorsen, is joined by his family and Teamwork Africa Office Manager, Shadow Settle, as they discuss the Halvorsen's leaving this Saturday for nine months in Liberia, West Africa; FP's most frequent guest, James Hirsen, makes his final visit; Gerald Fenske discusses the movie being made this summer by Teens Acting for God(TAG), "Dramatic Affect"
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Monday, August 29, 2016

8-29-16 Dr. Richard Swenson

8-29-16 Richard Swenson

Dr. Richard Swenson, author, Christian futurist, and self-described "watchman on the wall," talks with Mark about where the world is at and where things are going.
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Thursday, August 25, 2016

8-25-16 A Different Kind of Happiness--Dr. Larry Crabb

Dr. Larry Crabb

8-25-16 A Different Kind of Happiness--Dr. Larry Crabb

Dr. Larry Crabb is our guest for the full hour discussing his newest book, "A Different Kind of Happiness: Discovering the Joy that Comes from Sacrificial Love."
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

8-24-16 "What Africa Taught Me About Being Healthy"--Dr. Drew

Dr. Drew Kaminski

8-24-16 "What Africa Taught Me About Being Healthy"--Dr. Drew Kaminski

Dr. Drew Kaminski of Back on Track Family Chiropractic talks about what two trips to Zambia, Africa have taught him about being healthy.
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Thursday, August 18, 2016

8-18-16 APPLE Turns 35/Walk for Life

APPLE Pregnancy Care Center Executive Director, Melinda Gardner

8-18-16 APPLE Turns 35/Walk for Life

Melinda Gardner, Executive Director of APPLE Pregnancy Care Center in Eau Claire, highlights 35 years of ministry, rebuts lies and half-truths about PCC's put forth on a recent cable comedy show, and looks ahead to their Walk for Life Sept. 17th.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

8-17-16 CVLA Spotlight: Laurie Norlander

Laurie Norlander

8-17-16 CVLA Spotlight: Laurie Norlander

Award-winning author, Laurie Norlander, becomes the latest member of Chippewa Valley Local Authors to talk about becoming an author; her first two books, including her latest, "The Jonah Complex"; and what she's working on now.
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8-17-16 "Guenivere"

8-17-16 "Guenivere"

Playwright and Director, Karen Hurd, discusses her latest production, "Guenivere," with cast members Kaitlyn Sabelko, Evelyn Halvorsen, and Dawson Halvorsen. The play opens Aug. 19th at 7:30pm at Eau Claire's State Theatre, with additional performances Aug. 20th at 7:30pm and Aug. 21st at 3pm.
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8-17-16 "Guenivere"

8-17-16 "Guenivere"

Playwright and Director, Karen Hurd, discusses her latest production, "Guenivere," with cast members Kaitlyn Sabelko, Evelyn Halvorsen, and Dawson Halvorsen. The play opens Aug. 19th at 7:30pm at Eau Claire's State Theatre, with additional performances Aug. 20th at 7:30pm and Aug. 21st at 3pm.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8-10-16 CVLA Spotlight: Melissa Wiltrout

8-10-16 CVLA Spotlight: Melissa Wiltrout

Eau Claire author, Melissa Wiltrout, talks about writing and her lone published book, "Tessa: From Fear to Faith"
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Monday, August 8, 2016

8-8-16 Final Crabb Conversation

8-8-16 Final Crabb Conversation

Dr. Jason Kanz; retired Christian counselor, Rob Gillette; and Mark Halvorsen discuss why they're such big fans of author Dr. Larry Crabb and why they encourage others to check out one or more of his many great books.
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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

8-3-16 WHOLEHEARTEDNESS: busyness, exhaustion, and healing the divided self

Chuck De Groat

8-3-16 WHOLEHEARTEDNESS: busyness, exhaustion, and healing the divided self

Chuck De Groat, an experienced Christian counselor, pastor, and associate professor of pastoral care and counseling at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI, talks about his new book, "Wholeheartedness: busyness, exhaustion, and healing the divided self."

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Monday, August 1, 2016

8-1-16 Last "Marriage Monday" with Dr. Bill and Joyce Harley of Marriagebuilders.com

Dr. Bill and Joyce Harley

8-1-16 Last "Marriage Monday" with Dr. Bill and Joyce Harley of Marriagebuilders.com

Dr. Bill and Joyce Harley of Marriagebuilders.com wrap up four and a half years of "Marriage Monday" shows primarily on the first Monday of the month, discussing a variety of subjects, including the difference between Christian marriages that remain faithful and together more than 50 years and those that suffer infidelity and end in divorce

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