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Monday, March 21, 2022

3/20/22 Chippewa Valley This Week: April 10th Action City Fundraiser to Benefit Ashley Lien & Her Daughters

               Chippewa Valley This Week


                      Ashley Lien & her four daughters      leadertelegram.com                             

      Ashley Lien(formerly Peggs), the ex-wife of former Altoona School Superintendent, Dan Peggs, and State Rep. Jesse James, comment on a bill signed this week by Gov. Evers allowing parents to change their children's last names without the other parent signing off in certain situations. Plus, area real estate agent, Bailey Hawke-James tells us about the April 10th Action City Fundraiser to raise support for Lien and her four daughters as she is treated for cervical cancer. Finally, screenwriter/producer, Andrea Polnaszek, of Chippewa Falls, talks about her newly released sixth film, "The Greatest Inheritance."                                                                                                                                

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