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Monday, July 26, 2021

7/25/21 Crowded Democratic U.S. Senate Field; Van Orden Trying Again to Unseat Rep. Kind

Chippewa Valley This Week


 The field of Democrats for WI's 2022 U.S. Senate race continues to grow with Lt. Gov., Mandela Barnes, the latest to enter, joining Wausau radiologist, Gillian Battino; WI Treasureer, Sarah Godlewski; State Senator, Chris Larson; Milw. Bucks executive, Alex Lasry; Milw. Alderwoman, Chantia Lewis; Outagamie Cty. Executive, Tom Nelson. Plus, bouncing back from his 2020 3rd District Congressional loss to Rep. Ron Kind(D-La Crosse), retired Navy SEAL, Derrick Van Orden, is riding high after raising more money in the second quarter than Rep. Kind has all year.                             


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