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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

4/6/16 Morning Show Highlights

  • Burrito Fuel
  • How sweet!
  • Maryland, not Massachusetts 
  • Are you Unashamed?

4-6-16 Election Recap; What Wins in WI Mean for Cruz & Sanders


4-6-16 Election Recap; What Wins in WI Mean for Cruz & Sanders; Cruz; Trump

Election recap--winners & Trump's bizarre statement; Political strategist, Lauren Leader-Chivee, Co-Founder and CEO of All in Together, on "What Wins in WI Mean for Cruz and Sanders";Politico reports Cruz is reaching out to the "establishment" for support; More reaction to Trump's bizarre statement in defeat.
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4-6-16 Election Recap; Valley Vineyard Groundbreaking; Jill Savage

Jill Savage

4-6-16 Election Recap; Valley Vineyard Groundbreaking; Jill Savage

Election recap; Pastor Mike Houle talks about Valley Vineyard church's groundbreaking Wed. afternoon at the same site as their building fire last Sept.; Founder and CEO of Hearts at Home, Jill Savage talks about her new book, "Better Together: Because We're Not Meant to Mom Alone."

4-6-16 Dr. Drew Kaminski

Dr. Drew Kaminski

4-6-16 Dr. Drew Kaminski

Dr. Drew Kaminski of Back on Track Family Chiropractic sponsored our opening segment and recapped his event on healthy lifestyle from Saturday, talked about a new diabetes study, and encouraged people to be willing to change their thinking.

4/6/16-Marc VandeWettering-Pt.2

Each weekday Greg Steward visits with some of the best know athletes and coaches in the world about their sport and their faith. The show is heard live at 5:45pm and 6:45am on WWIB.

 University of Wisconsin Assistant Director of Men's Basketball operations, Marc VandeWettering joins Greg on Sports and Commentary to talk about what he does in the operations department and his faith.  Part 2 of a 2 part series.